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15 amazing ways dogs can change the lives of elderly folks

As we age, we experience the painful reality of the empty nest. Children leave and start families of their own, and the grandchildren also start to grow up, and their visits become more and more infrequent. During this period, it can be important for elderly people to have a source of unconditional love and affection.…

Fanny -

Major Historic Diseases are Making a Comeback

You may have seen stories in the press about diseases you might have thought had been eradicated, such as the bubonic plague, tuberculosis, and measles. If you find this worrying, you’re not the only one. Sometimes these diseases reemerge due to people refusing to be vaccinated, and others mutate to become stronger and untreatable by…

Maxime -

10 Habits Damaging Your Kidneys That Most People Don’t Know

The kidneys are vital organs that make a fundamental contribution to the proper functioning and health of your body. They perform several vital functions, including filtering blood, releasing the hormones that facilitate nutrition, absorbing nutrients and minerals from food, and producing critical toxin-removing liquids. If your kidneys become damaged, your overall health and wellbeing will…

Marianne -

Household Foods that You Should Keep Away from Your Dog

There are several common household foods that can be very harmful to our favorite animal friend. Those puppy dog eyes that implore you for that little scrap on your plate can be difficult to ignore but if you give your dog any of the food on our list, they won’t thank you for it. In…

Maxime -